Our offer of treatment is a very wide one, it is not possible and could be quite confusing to mention here all the treatment methods and services that we provide.
Below are the prices of our most popular services.
Oral exams 50,- zł Composite filling (depending on the size and amount of material used) 250-550,- zł Anaesthesia 20,- zł Milk tooth filling from 150,- zł Primary Microscope Endodontic treatment (price includes 2 x-rays, anaesthesia, rubber dam) - 1- canal tooth ( incisor) 800,- zł, - 2-canal tooth ( premolar ) 1000 zł, - 3-canal tooth ( molar) 1200 zł, - Additional root canal 300 zł, Removing a broken root canal instrument 200 zł/h Crown or veneer- full ceramic from 1700,- zł Precison cast partial denture 2200,- zł Nylon denture (elastic material) 2500,- zł Complete denture 1500,- zł Teeth whitening 1000,- zł Scaling and root planing (depending on the ammount of tartar) from 250-350,- zł Scaling, air tooth polishing and fluoride application 350-400,- zł Implant 3000-3500,- zł Implant crown 2300-3100,- zł Orthodontic consultation 100-200,- zł Metal braces 2600,- zł Cosmetic braces from 3000,- zł Tooth extraction 250-450,- zł Extraction of wisdom tooth from 350,- zł Digiltal x-ray 50,- zł Panoramic , Cephalometric digital X-ray (price includes CD) 100,- zł Computed 3D tomography ( CBCT single tooth ) 150,- zł Computed 3D tomography ( CBCT upper or lower ) 190,- zł Computed 3D tomography ( CBCT upper and lower ) 250,- zł