Our Team

Dr Agata Zejda-Kaczmarczyk

Graduated in 1999 from Medical University of Warsaw. In 2002-2005 a resident at Mazowieckie Centrum Stomatologii. Completed specialization of Preventive dentistry and Endodontics – topped by national exam and certificate in 2005. Occlusal disease treatment, full mouth prosthetic reconstructions, also of pathologically worn dentition, night guards. Dr Zejda believes that continuing education is a vital aspect of a professional growth, regularly particitapates in dental courses.

ProDentist dental practices which are run by her for over 20 years in Warsaw’s Żoliborz and Bielany are highly appreciated by all of our patients.
diplomas and certificates

Lek. Stom. Agnieszka Pióro

Graduated from Medical University of Białystok in 2007. Is passionate about esthetic dentistry, prothetics and endodontics, cotinuously increasing her qualifications in those areas od dentistry by particitpating in many courses and dental post graduate trainings.

Both in professional as well as in private life a perfectionist, consequent and ambitious. A very open, gentle and precise doctor, making our patients’ dental appointments a real pleasure.
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Lek. Stom. Bartosz Romańczuk

Graduated from Medical University of Białystok in 2010. Works as a dentist in ProDentist since 2012. His professional intrests include endodontics and prosthetics,, cosmetic denstistry, restoring the worn dentition among many other fields of dentistry in which he keeps on raising his knowledge and abilities by attending specialized dental courses and keeping up with current dental journals and press. Plays an active role in complex full mouth rehabilitation cases performed in our clinic

In his every day practice doctor Romańczuk equally cares about his work’s precision and professionalism as about making sure his patients feel safe and comfortable during their visits in our practice. The result is doctor’s patients’ healthy smile and his professional satisfaction.
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Lek. Stom. Karolina Rumińska - dental surgeon, implantologist

Graduated with honors from Medical University od Łódź in 2011. After completing an internship started working in a clinical wand of Maxofacial Surgery Department USK 1 in Łódź which she finished as a specialist in Dental Surgery. Since the beginning of her career has been passionate about dental surgery and implantology, keeps on raising her qualifications participating in dental courses in Poland and abroad. Very gentle, precise and keeps in mind her patient's comfort during the tratment. Patient's smile and satisfaction after the most difficult procedures bring her the biggest satisfaction.
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Lek. Stom. Aleksandra Owczarek

Graduated from Warsaw's Medical University, has completed her internship in a dental clinic in Warsaw. In our practice doctor performs preventive dentistry, endodontic treatment, prosthetics and surgery. Keeps up to date with the most modern and effective new methods of treatment, participates regurarly in dental courses and conferences. A patient’s comfort during a visit is her priority, she is well liked by both child and adult patients. A sense of a work well done is doctor’s best satisfaction.
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Lek. Stom. Dawid Sałata

Absolwent Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Białymstoku, dyplom lekarza dentysty uzyskał w 2019 roku. Pan Doktor zajmuje się stomatologią zachowawczą, endodoncją, prostą protetyką oraz chirurgią. Przyjmuje dorosłych jak i dzieci. Lubiany przez Pacjentów za połączenie miłej osobowości, delikatności i profesjonalizmu.
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Lek.stom. Piotr Siwek

Graduated from Warsaw Medical University in 2019, connected to ProDentist dental clinic since the fourth year of his dental school. Performs general dentistry as well as endodontic treament under a microscope, restoring teeth after endodontic treatment, cosmetic dentistry, digital prosthetics, simple dental surgery. Doctor Siwek shares his passion for dentistry with esthetic medicine - performs procedures of applying botox, hyaluronic acid and mesotherapy.
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Lek.stom. Anna Sierocka

Graduated from Medical University of Białystok in 2020. Doctor performs general, conservative dentistry, endodontic treatment under a microscope - both primary as well as secondary treatment, cosmetic dentistry procedures. Very professional and caring, warm person, has a great ability to create a calm atmosphere during our dental procedures.

Lek. Stom. Łukasz Osiński - dental surgeon

Dental Surgeon

Graduated from Medical University of Warsaw in 2007, has completed internship at Centralna Wojskowa Przychodnia Lekarska „CePeLek” in 2008, currently a surgeon at the Out-Patient’s Oral Surgery Clinic in Centralna Wojskowa Przychodnia Lekarska.  Completed specialization of Dental Surgery during his internships at the Oral Surgery Department of Wojskowy Instytut Medyczny at Ministry of Defence Central Clinic Hospital in Warsaw and Oral Surgery Specialist since 2015.
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Lek. Stom. Katarzyna Subczynska - Orthodontist

Orthodontic treatment of both adults and children. Graduated in 2004 from Medical University of Lodz. Creates beautiful smiles using fixed and removable braces, both metal and cosmetic. To achieve the best results uses the most modern, innovative techniques, such as microimplants and cosmetic self-ligating braces. Keeps on raising her qualifications and skills by attending numerous orthodontic courses and congresses both in Poland and abroad. Has completed an elite postgraduate FACE program- 2 years theoretical and practical postgraduate in Advanced Orthodontics
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Dr n. med. Marcin Adamiecki - periodontist

Graduated from Medical University of Łódź (2012), received his Ph.D. degree in the field of periodontology in 2019.. Has completed his periodontology specialization internship at Dental Institute of Łódź. An author of many scientific work publications presented at dental conferences in Poland and abroad, published in dental press. In our clinic diagnoses and treats periodontal disease and mucous membrane diseases, also performs periodontal procedures.

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Lek.Stom. Artur Malottki - periodontist

Graduated from Medical University of Wrocław (2017), from SGH in Warsaw (2018) received a title of specialist in periodontology in 2022 after completing his periodontology specialization internship at CMWUM in Warsaw. In our clinic diagnoses and treats periodontal disease and mucous membrane diseases, also performs periodontal procedures and surgical procedures as well as implantology. Doctor Malottki is a well liked and warm person, very much appreciated by our Patients.
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Lek.Med Jakub Nowocień - maxillofacial surgeon and implantologist

Graduated from Medical University of Warsaw, Faculty of Medicine.
A resident at maxillofacial surgery department in a hospital Szaserów St in Warsaw.
In our clinic doctor performs difficult surgery cases, 3d navigated dental implants placement, surgical procedures connected with dental implants.
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Hanna Zakrzewska

A certified dental assistant qualified as a dental hygienist. Graduated from Promed-Omega Dental Health Care School in 2010, has worked as a dental assistant for many years. Has a very good way with our small and adult patients.
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Aleksandra Cichocka

A licensed dental assistant and hygenist, an absolwent od Warsaw’s Dental Hygienists and Technicians Medical School in 2015, graduated in top three in her year. Very kind and full of understanding of our patients’ needs.
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Oliwia Gładysz

A licensed dental assistant and hygenist
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Anna Ponomarova

A licensed dental assistant and hygienist.
An absolwent od Warsaw’s Postgraduate Medical School Cosinus in 2022, Postgraduate School "Profesja Edukacja" in 2023. Professional and well liked, with a great sense of humour.
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Joanna Budnicka

A licensed dental assistant and hygienist.
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Laura Miszkowska - Manager

A sociology student at Philosophy and Sociology Department of Warsaw University


Kinga Warda - receptionist

A student at Kardynał Wyszyński University in Warsaw.


Aleksandra Ziółek - receptionist

An obstetrics student at Medical University of Warsaw.
