OCCLUSAL DISEASE- what is this?

Occlusal disease is one of the most common medical conditions observed by dentists and one that is the most undiagnosed.

The cause of occlusal disease is a misalignment or incorrect relation between the teeth of the upper and lower dental arches, also called malocclusion. When bite discrepancies are present this imbalance can cause teeth clenching and grinding . All of the above lead to destruction and pathological wear of teeth, muscles pain and tension and malfunction of temporo mandibular joint (TMJ).

This condition can lead to strong neck, back and spine pains, and most commonly severe migraine-like headaches . The symptoms can resemble neurological disorders and many patients do not connect them with their bite. A small percentage of patients can suffer from bruxism , the cause of which is in Central Nervous System.

The signs of occlusal disease:

  • Destruction and cracking of teeth, change of teeth shape, flattening and thinning, incisal edges can become transparent
  • Pathological occlusal wear, sometimes a dark stained dentine can be visible (a tissue underneath the enamel )
  • Teeth shift their position, diastemas appear
  • Fillings, crowns and bridges tend to fall out, break, pain when biting on a newly done composite filling
  • Abfractions
  • Bone loss and bone and gum destruction, teeth hypermobility
  • Grinding and clenching of the teeth
  • Noise such as popping and clicking during eating or jaw movement

The symptoms of occlusal disease:

  • Teeth hypersensitivity to hot/cold
  • Pain and tired facial and masticatory muscles or TMJ pain, most common after waking up
  • Headaches, migraines, neck, back pains

Not all patients complain of all the signs and symptoms, most common is a mix of some of the above, with various frequency and seriousness. Usually the signs preceed the symptoms.
If occlusal disease is not treated the problems slowly get worse over time.


ProDentist Broniewѕkiego
ul. Broniewѕkiego 3, 01-785 Warszawа - Żoliborz,
tel. +48 22 833 66 20
ProDentist Burakowѕka
ul. Burakowѕka 16B, 01-066 Warszawа - Wolа,
tel. +48 22 833 56 52