Microscope Endodontic Treatment
Warsaw Żoliborz

What is a Microscope Endodontic Treatment?

Many of you have heard of a dental microscope treatment. Have you ever wondered what a dentist sees under a microscope? Our new Leica M320 microscope magnifies teeth from 6,4 up to... 40 times! Teeth as large as skyscrapers, root canals as wide as highways...lightened by a strong LED light emitted straight form a microscope (which emites a small diameter light spot, not blinding a patient).

In such a scenery no hidden root canals, broken instrument inside a root canal or canal ramifications can hide form us! Endodontic treatment is performed under a local anaesthesia, completely painless, x-ray pictures are made without a need for a patient to leave a dental chair.

Indications for a Microscope Dental Treatment

Under a microscope a dentist can see even the smallest, unnoticable by a bare eye cavities, fillings, crowns, veneers leaks, eanmel and root cracks, find "hidden" root canals, locate broken instruments inside root canal, ramifications, additional root canals and many, many more... Of course working under a microscope makes our work more precise, increases the treatment safety - preparing the cavities saving as much healthy tissue as possible, safe primary and secondary root canal treatment, preparation for the crowns, veneers, overlays and other prosthetic work.

How much Microscope Endodontic Treatment costs?

The treatment is obviously a bit more expensive - not only because of the cost of microscope itself and specialistic dental courses but also the way the treatment itself is performed- a doctor works with a dental assistant as a team, can see only your tooth and all the instruments must be handed to him/her by an assistant.

Primary Microscope Endodontic treatment
(price includes 2 x-rays, anaesthesia, rubber dam)
1- canal tooth (incisor)
400-500 zł
2-canal tooth (premolar)
750 zł
3-canal tooth (molar)
1 000 zł
Additional root canal
150 zł
Removing a broken root canal instrument
200 zł/h

Microscope Endodontic Treatment devices

The treatment is completely painless by using a high quality endomotor WDV Reciproc Gold with a built- in apex locator which makes a dentist aware of a root and working length at all times during the treatment.

After many months of testing different microscopes we picked the best in our opinion modern microscope Leica M320 with a built-in LED light and a variofocal zoom lens magnifying a vision up to 40x.

Microscope endodontic treatment is available at ProDentist - Broniewskiego 3, Warsaw.